Ben Meadows Blog

Shocking Pig Problems

Jamie in Florida told us about a problem at her husband's landscaping business. He recently planted some expensive shrubbery for a customer living next to a golf course. At night, wild pigs sneak in and dig up the pricey ornamentals to dine on the roots.

Jamie and her husband tried electric fencing to keep the pigs at bay. Unfortunately golfers trying to retrieve lost balls found the solution rather shocking.

The neighborhood association made Jamie and her husband seek an alternative to the fencing. They are going to try Havahart Critter Ridder to keep the hogs from killing the plants.

Paul's Power Puller

Paul, a customer in North Carolina, gave Ben Meadows Business Unit Manager Hava a call a few days ago to talk about Power Pullers. Here's how Hava described their conversation:

Paul lives on 12-acres with lots of large trees that were damaged or destroyed during Hurricane Hugo. After Hugo, Paul needed a lifting/pulling device to help him clear his property.

During our conversation, I discovered that Paul is feisty and fun. He described himself as penurious and mentioned his frugality. This explained why in 1989 he had a hard time buying our 3-ton Power Puller ($125 back then). Despite his penuriousness he went ahead and ordered the Power Puller and used it to haul off those damaged/dead trees.

While using his Power Puller to clear his property there was one particularly hairy moment when a tree almost fell on Paul. Fortunately, the Power Puller held tight and Paul maintains the device saved his life! Over the years, he’s tried to break the Power Puller. He’s left it outside in the elements, thrown it in the back of his four pickup trucks and generally just beat the heck out of it. Paul wants everyone to know the Power Puller is made with the finest American made cast iron possible. He uses it daily. In fact, he even offered to speak to any customers that had questions about it!

Even though Paul is technically retired, he still owns two businesses. The first one is called the Fat Old Elf Workshop. The second is called Big Crack Lumber. Yes indeed, both titles are self explanatory but he decided to expound on the second one (he must’ve heard my giggles). One day, Paul was cutting lumber in Alabama and forgot to wear his suspenders. His tech-savvy son had just purchased a digital camera and snapped a photo of his dad’s backside during the cutting operation. When Paul saw the picture, he laughed and decided to call his business Crack Lumber. His son then replied, "No Dad, you should call it Big Crack Lumber!"

If you'd like to take a look at a Power Puller you can check them out on our Web site by clicking here.

Llamas Eating Your Trees?

A customer called to ask us how to stop his llamas from chewing on the bark of his fruit trees.

A little research revealed that llamas hate the scent of their own waste (we were shocked).

The recommendation was to mix llama manure with water and spray it on the trees.

We haven't heard if our customer has attempted this solution. However we're confident that it will be effective not only for llamas but for numerous other creatures as well.

Outdoor University

Outdoor University provides a hands-on educational experience for those employed in the Outdoor Industry. The 2005 event brought together nearly 70 vendors, 277 employees from 44 companies throughout 10 states.

Paul and Gary, from the Ben Meadows Team, attended this year's get-together held in Devil's Lake State Park near Baraboo, Wisconsin. Here's what they had to say:

This was an excellent day for both Gary and me. This workshop is set up to teach folks about how to be better prepared to sell different manufacturers' products.

There were plenty of opportunities to get our hands on a number of new products. Being able to test drive these products goes a long way in helping us better prepare to answer customer questions as well as make sure our catalog copy is precise and as helpful as possible.

Paul using a Brunton spotting scope to view climbers testing new climbing gear on the rock faces overlooking Devil's Lake State Park. A representative from Brunton is giving a solar power clinic in the background.

A view from the cliffs overlooking the Outdoor University set-up on the south shore of Devil's Lake.

Paul taking a break from the hike.

Paul and Gary discussing which trail to follow near the top of the cliffs.

Paul and Gary enjoying a well deserved break and an excellent bird's eye view of Devil's Lake.

One Customer's Story

A customer in New Jersey recently wrote to us about an experience he had with one of our products. We thought we'd share his story with you:

To Whom It May Concern:

I recently ordered REDI-RITE Holders for each of my field staff and myself from BEN MEADOWS. Two-weeks ago while supervising excavation activities at one of our project sites an accident occurred that put the quality of these holders to the test.

I had been using the holder to keep track of where the soil was being sent. While I went to take a few photographs of the excavation for our records I left the holder on the ground by where I was standing. As I was returning to get the holder, I saw one of the track excavators moving around in the same vicinity. When I got closer, I realized that the excavator was directly on top of where I had left my holder.

After getting the operator's attention and asking him to move, I found the holder pressed down into the gravel. To my surprise though, the holder was not squashed but rather in perfect condition except for having gotten rather dirty. Not only did the holder survive, but it protected the calculator and cell phone that I had been keeping inside of it.

That day taught me two things. First, never lay anything small on the ground when excavators are in the area; and second, that BEN MEADOWS carries quality products that can help make the difference between what could have been a very bad day to just a funny story.



We liked Timothy's story so much we sent him a Ben Meadows cap for taking the time to write.

If you have a story of your own, why not share it with us? You might help one of your peers find just the right product solution to a problem. And maybe you'll get a cap of your own!

Send your emails to:

By the way. . . if you're looking for a REDI-RITE Holder of your own just click here.