Shocking Pig Problems
Jamie in Florida told us about a problem at her husband's landscaping business. He recently planted some expensive shrubbery for a customer living next to a golf course. At night, wild pigs sneak in and dig up the pricey ornamentals to dine on the roots.
Jamie and her husband tried electric fencing to keep the pigs at bay. Unfortunately golfers trying to retrieve lost balls found the solution rather shocking.
The neighborhood association made Jamie and her husband seek an alternative to the fencing. They are going to try Havahart Critter Ridder to keep the hogs from killing the plants.
Jamie and her husband tried electric fencing to keep the pigs at bay. Unfortunately golfers trying to retrieve lost balls found the solution rather shocking.
The neighborhood association made Jamie and her husband seek an alternative to the fencing. They are going to try Havahart Critter Ridder to keep the hogs from killing the plants.
A gallon of barbeque sauce and a couple charcoal grills would be another option.
Anonymous, at 6/23/2005 7:45 AM
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Anonymous, at 2/04/2006 7:58 AM
Get a section of chain link fence. Cut a hole in the center for the plant to sit in and bend the cut wires back. Lay the section of fence on the ground, plant the shrubs in the hole, cover with dirt and stake down the edges. Do not cut corners, the fence should extend at least three feet from the shrub (you may have to put lift the sod and put it under the grass if there is a lawn nearby.
Good Luck, Mike
P.S. If you trap the rascals, it creates an opportunity for others to move in and the problem repeats itself endlessly.
Anonymous, at 1/26/2007 11:08 AM
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