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A while back our Business Unit Manager, Hava loaned the tree climbing gear you see in the photo to the producers of Josh's show. On Monday, February 20 at 9:00 p.m. (Eastern) you can see Josh in action along with the equipment Hava sent.
The title of Monday's show is Roanoke: The Lost Colony. In this episode Josh is trying to discover what happened to a group of 100 colonists who disappeared while attempting to establish England's first permanent colony on Roanoke Island, North Carolina during the late 1500's. At one point, Josh climbs and cores a cypress tree to study the climate conditions on Roanoke Island back in 1587. That's when we think you'll see the gaffs and saddle from Ben Meadows.
We say we think you'll see the gaffs and saddle because we haven't actually seen the episode yet. However we did hear that poor Josh suffered a nasty brown recluse spider bite while up in the tree. We don't know if they'll mention this tidbit during the show, but we thought you'd want to know the sacrifice Josh made to inform and entertain us.
As for the gaffs and saddle; we couldn't put them back into stock. In fact, they're demanding their own dressing room.
This will depend on where you live as climate will have a huge impact on what types of plants you choose. Remember the bushes and plants that have leaves are not a good choice to have next to your pond. They will make their way into the water and ultimately into the filter and cause problems. Needle trees are better as long as the needles do not drop directly in into the water for the same reason and that they contain acid and you already need to watch the pH level so this will potentially make it worse. The more rock and stone you can use around your pond the better it will look and keep your pond clean. Add a bench or two as well as an outdoor ceiling fan. These are excellent accents. A fancy mailbox installed next to the bench is neat conversation piece and is a good way to store fish food, if you add fish to your pond. Larger trees can be planted around the outside perimeter of your pond to keep it shaded in the summer months. There are multiple publications and web sites that have plenty of pictures for you to get ideas from. Good luck and enjoy!
Anonymous, at 3/01/2006 10:37 AM
Having seen two of Josh Bersteins History Channels episodes, I find the concept very enjoyable. Diving into the Mayan sacraficial pond to find its source and to look for artifacts located therein was pure enlightinment for me. I too always wanted to know more about Roanorke island when I drove past their in the late 1970's. I will have to see that episode. -- sorry for poor spelling--
Anonymous, at 3/22/2006 10:57 AM
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