Ben Meadows Blog

Munsell Color System

The Munsell color system was devised as a way to describe all of the different shades of color. It assigns a number value to every color imaginable, so it's useful for everything from mixing paints, to interior decorating, to classifying soil and plant colors. The Munsell notation is composed of 3 parts: Hue, Value, and Chroma. You can think of the Hue as the actual color, the Value as how light or dark it is, and Chroma as the vividness of the color.

An example of the notation is 10YR 5/8. For this 'chip', 10YR is the Hue, 5 is the Value and 3 is the Chroma. So it's a Yellow/Red that isn't very light or dark, and is quite vivid.

Take a look at one of our TechInfo documents that describes the Munsell color system in more detail! Click the TechInfo logo below and check it out:


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